
What puts the WOW in the WoW you ask? Well, it’s all the different ways you can win of course! Over the course of the two-day event on August 25th-26th, 2023 we’ll give away over a million dollars worth of prizes through a variety of raffles. Here are just a few of those that you can be a part of…
  • Super Raffle – 241 prizes valued at $800,000 will be given away on Sat., Aug. 26th, 2023 from 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. with a winner drawn once every 2 minutes (that will be upped to one winner drawn every single minute from 3:00-4:00 in the first ever Super Raffle “Power Hour”!). The 10,000 tickets for this raffle will begin selling on Oct. 2nd, 2022 for $100 each.
  • Tow-N-Go Raffle – Details on the 2023 Tow-N-Go Raffle will be released at a later date.
  • Pre-Event 50/50 – These tickets will begin on our website in the months leading up to the event. The winner will be drawn on Thu., Aug. 24th, 2023 LIVE on Facebook as part of our pre-event show. The 2022 Pre-Event 50/50 winner took home over $19,000!
  • Friday Night and Saturday 50/50 – There will be separate 50/50 drawings on the Friday and Saturday of the event. Unlike the drawings listed above, you will need to be present to win this raffle. the 2022 Saturday 50/50 winner took home over $23,000!
Plus many, many more side raffles will be sold at the event!!